Mala Chicken Giveaway
The super product, Mala Fried Chicken, for the first time in Vietnam, is ready at BONCHON !!!
And in order that Bonchon-holics can experience this new flavor of fried chicken, Bonchon will give you 600 FREE MALA CHICKEN PARTS for takeaway or order via store hotline (*) starting from 18/10/2021!!!
Order Bonchon NOW to receive our super Mala Chicken:
Bonchon Hanoi:
Bonchon 12 Nha Tho: 085 966 2466
Bonchon 39 Ly Thuong Kiet: 082 666 2466
Bonchon HCM:
43 Ly Tu Trong, D.1: 094 486 2466
213 Nguyen Van Cu, D.5: 081 466 2466
(*) Conditions:
- Duration: 18 to 27 Oct 2021
- Free 1 Mala chicken portion (2 wing pcs)
- Quantity: 15 portions/day/store for 15 first order per day
- Apply for takeaway and order via store Hotline
- Not apply for split bill
- Not combine with vouchers, combos & other promotions at stores.